新的VDA 6.8標準(The new VDA Volume 6.8)

新的VDA 6.8標準預計將於2024年12月發佈。
The new VDA Volume 6.8 is expected to come out in December 2024.
新標準 “VDA 6.8供應鏈過程稽核” 可以讓您標準化、穩定、優化和保護 您的物流過程。 
The new VDA Volume 6.8 Supply Chain Process Audit allows you to standardize, stabilize, optimize and secure your logistical processes.

此標準考慮OEM(車廠)、供應商與物流服務提供者的顧客特定要求(CSR,customer-specific requirements),以及全球物料管理(Global MMOG/LE)的要求。

It takes into account customer-specific requirements of the OEMs, suppliers and logistical service providers as well as Global MMOG/LE requirements.


這本袖珍指南中,我們將介紹VDA 6.8的概念與亮點。請繼續閱讀,瞭解新VDA6.8標準如何讓您在供應鏈過程稽核中受益。

In this pocket guide, we will introduce the concepts and highlights of VDA 6.8. Read on to learn how the new VDA6.8 standard can benefit you in supply chain process auditing.